Well, it's about time, isn't it? Sheesh...talk about taking forever to update my blog..no wonder no one visits me anymore, it's always the same OLD THING! LOL I don't blame 'em ;)

My quilt frame is finally put back together and waiting patiently in the basement! I hope to get a practice piece up on it this afternoon and actually put a REAL QUILT up on it within the week. I've been busy getting ready for our BPF retreat, which is the middle of May! I have 2 sets of 4" shoofly swap blocks ready, and my charity quilt top and backing are all ready to be quilted!

I hope to undate this thing more often, and have ALOT of finished quilts before Summertime! Can ya believe Spring is THIS FRIDAY??? WOOHOO for SPRING! I am SO ready as this has been a very long, cold Winter!