And it's about time, wouldn't you say? LOL
January is off to a stupendous start for me, with 3 quilty finishes and 2 yarn-crafted items!
I finished the 12 of Hearts BOM from The Raspberry Rabbits and just love how it came out!
My second finish is the January Quilt Square Quilt along featured on Jo's Country Junction and made from a Lori Smith pattern. Each month I will be doing one of these little gems, that finish up to 12" square! There's still time to join in the fun, so drop by Jo's, get the patterns and play along!
And my last quilty finish for this month is a Charm Party totebag made from Fig Tree fabrics!! I am HOOKED on these totebags...great to give as gifts and fun to make for yourself!
I don't have any pics of my 2 yarn-related finished for this month, but I will post those as soon as I can get Bill to take my picture..yes...they're wearables! I hope to continue this momentum in to the coming months and wish you all lots of quilty finishes for 2012 as well!!