Yes, I would consider myself a couch potato for the second half of February! I am recovering from surgery and my activities have been restricted to mostly the couch and short walking tours of the main floor of our townhouse :)
But have no fear, I have been a very resourceful couch potato and planned well for this event! Here's a peek at what I've been keeping myself busy with...
12 wool rooster blocks are all buttonholed and waiting to be set into a wall quilt...
I have completed all my embroidered blocks for Moda's Lucy's Beach quilt...
Some of the mini sampler wool blocks from Primitive Gatherings...they are just SO cute and finish to 5"...
And I've knitted up 5 ruffled scarves, some for myself, some as gifts....
I'm coming along fine in my recovery and have been able to spend some time the last few days sitting at my machine and sewing! Yayyy! I hope to be able to complete a few more machine projects during my time off, and of course more handwork projects.
There's signs of Spring around my neighborhood...the snow has melted considerably and I hear the song sparrow singing in the mornings! The days are getting longer as well, so Spring truly IS on it's way! Hopefully there are signs of Spring cropping up in your neck of the woods too ;)