Years ago I was an avid knitter, but lost interest as I got older. Recently, knitting has regained it's popularity and my interest has been piqued! With so many free resources available online, how could I resist? 2 of my favorite sites for free patterns and info are Lion Brand yarns, and Patons.
My current project is this hat for Bill...it's a simple ribbed hat with a turned up band. This is what I've done so far and I'm ready to start shaping the top within the next row or so ;) I'll post a pic of Bill wearing his hat when I'm done! I think I'll start a hat for myself when this project is done..I think we're in for a cold, snowy winter!!
I like the color and look of that yarn for a guy....Can't wait to see Bill modeling it.
A timely post for me, Robin, and perhaps some encouragement as well. The hat is looking great, I love your yarn. My daughter is home for winter break and taught me yesterday how to purl and cable stitch. I've recently made a lot of skinny scarves and dish cloths by knitting only, so these are really new to me. So far I remember how to purl, but I need her to teach me how to cable again. I tried it on my own and it was a riot -- a big hole and huge fat bunch in the wrong place!
Looking good Robin. I like that yarn too! I'm with Peg, can't wait to see a pic with Bill modeling it. :P
What pretty yarn, Robin!
Oooh, I love the yarn you chose. What a pretty color, and it looks soft!
Ya know what? I learned to knit once...and the project is still on the needles from when you taught me! LOL
FYI--I'm back, so come on over and visit the blog!
I just wanted to post somewhere that was not on your giveaway...thanks for entering my fiveaway. I have had you in my favorites for some time.
just wanted to stop by and say hi
That looks like it will be nice and warm.
Cure for back ache depends on what is causing the problem.I have a a bulging disc and when it gets bad, it needs to shrink back to size, so I grab a bag of peas out of the freezwr, wrap it in a hand towel and go sit in my favorite chair. That particular bag of peas is marked so that I won't ever be cooked. It has been thawed out too many times.
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