Day 3 of our kitchen renovation experience...What WAS I thinking when I said I wanted to upgrade our kitchen??? LOL's not all saw some of the "bad" in the previous post.
Here is what's been done so far: The mud flooring has been laid as a foundation for the tile...hmm...cement on my kitchen floor? What was I thinking? LOL
And here's the beautiful tile that was laid today! now wait..what's wrong with this picture? There are gaps without tile by the right corner you say?
Lemme take a closer look at that....
My GOSH, YOU'RE RIGHT! And here's an whole gaping room!

Well our tile guy is AWESOME, but he can only lay what we've got for tile...that's the problem..we didn't buy enough of these little decorative fossils! Not enough by a LONGSHOT! But all is not lost...we went to the tile place and bought what they had in stock..which was enough to finish the breakfast area, but not enough for the kitchen...but they have some on order...but they're not coming in for 10 days to 2 that enough "buts" for you? LOL it sure is for me!
So everything is extended by at least 2 more cabinets trim...BUT..we can paint the room AND we can grill out since I will have no stove or dishwasher for about the next 3 weeks or more! So there IS always a bright side :) Hey, and I don't have to clean the kitchen, 'cause there IS NONE! LOL
I'm gonna go quilt on my frame...and admire my freshly-laid tile again :)