IS!! It's my FAVORITE time of the year for several reasons...I love the holidays and getting together with family and friends to's boots-and-scarves weather..AND it's time for another wonderful Bonnie Hunter Mystery, Allietare! I was home sick today with some random flu-like virus so what better time to catch up on my step 2. I'm officially up to date and SO very happy about it! Here's my clue #1 and clue #2.
Are you playing along too? What are you waiting for? Raid your stash, it's not too late!! Come and join us! The link for the new mystery is on my sidebar and you can see everyone's progress HERE!

Hope you are feeling better soon, but that's a great way to spend your time while off sick!
Yep, I agree with Vireya...get well sure do accomplish a lot when you're not feeling well!
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